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Why shouldltrust Physician's Choice supplements?

Why shouldltrust Physician's Choice supplements?
For many years, Physician's Choice has delivered a range of probiotic formulasdesigned to support various needs inadults and children, Each formula isbased on scientific evidence and approved by our Scientific Advisory Boardwhichincludes experts in medicine (MD's and PhD's), natural medicine,alterative medicine, and integrative medicine.
Collapsible rowWhy should I take a probiotic?

Collapsible rowWhy should I take a probiotic?
I strongly recommend that most people incorporate a probiotic supplementinto their daily routine, Probiotics offer awide range of benefits for gut healthhormone health, and immune function.The foundation of good health starts in the qut, Probiotics help to restore andmaintain a healthy balance of thebeneficial bacteria that live in your digestivetract,This microbiome plavs a crucial role in digesting food.absorbingnutrients, metabolizing hormones, and supporting immune defenses.Much of your immune system is housed in the gut, so keeping your gut florahealthy is essential for a strong immuneresponse.
The benefits of probiotics are well-established, and they are a simple, safeand effective way to optimize gut functionand immunity.
What are CFUs and do they matter?

What are CFUs and do they matter?
CFU stands for "colony-forming unit," a measure of live, active microorganisms(like bacteria and yeast) present in aprobiotic product. For example, you maysee 1 billion CFU (1 x 109) or 10 billion CFU (1 x 101) on productlabels.Thesemicroorganisms are intended to reach and colonize the gut, where they canoffer health benefits.Each CFU represents a live microbe that can reproduce and form colonieswithin the digestive system, which isessential for probiotics to work effectively.The CFU count, or "dose," shows the strength of the probiotic, but it'simportantto choose the right amount based on the specific health benefits desired,Research indicates that higher CFUcounts may offer more advantages forcertain strains and purposes., However, more isn't always better; differenthealth goals require different CFU levels.
Selecting a probiotic involves more than just looking at CFU numbers, Factorssuch as strain quality, delivery methodand stability during storage allcontribute to a probiotic's effectiveness. Consulting a healthcare professionalcan helpyou choose a CFU count and formulation that align with your healthgoals, maximizing the benefits of probiotic use.
What canlexpect whenIstart taking a probiotic?

What canlexpect whenIstart taking a probiotic?
It will depend a bit on the person and what is going on for them, bowel healthwise. lfyou experience occasionalconstipation or loose bowels, odds are highthat they will start to regulate and be more normally consistent.If you have some bad bacteria in your gut, you may have a bit of a 'die-off'reaction as you introduce a lot of goodbacteria in, This may present as somebloating, gas, and irregularity with your bowels, But within a couple weeks.thisshould very likely subside. And then, you should just be feeling better overall.Digestion should be a process that largely goes unnoticed. What l mean bythat is that you shouldn't really feel much ofanvthing "happening'--it shouldwork like clockwork without a lot of intervention or effortSome people will notice an improvement in mental clarity and overall mood.
What should llook for in a probiotic?

What should llook for in a probiotic?
When selecting a probiotic supplement, look for one that contains a diversearray of wel-researched probiotic strains.such as Lactobacilus andBifidobacterium species. The potency, or colony-forming units (CFUs), shouldbe at least 10billion CFUs per serving. Additionally, choose a supplement thcis shelf-stable and free of fillers or artificialingredients.
When should l take a probiotic?

When should l take a probiotic?
Want to maximize your probiotic's effectiveness? Take it on an empty stomach!Physician's Choice probiotics arespecially formulated with an acid-resistantcapsule to ensure that the strains make it to the gut where they can dotheirjob.
What is the difference between prebiotics and probiotics?

What is the difference between prebiotics and probiotics?
Probiotics are the "good bacteria' in our bodies that help keep us healthy.While mostly known as good gut bugs, thereare also beneficial bacteria in oumouth, on our skin, in the vagina and other locations as well. The goodbacteria orprobiotics, if taken as a supplement, help with digestion, immunefunction, hormone heath and many other functionsvital for health.
Prebiotics are the food that probiotics 'eat. By incorporating fibers that wecannot digest but our gut bugs can, weencourage them to be strong andhealthy themselves. This improves their population and encourages a largeheathydiversity of different bugs in our system, Fibers like inulin, chicory,acacia and others get fermented in the colon by ourgood bacteria help toimprove digestion, immune function, regulate blood sugar and support manvother benefits to usand our happy gut bugs.
ls it safe to combine probiotics?

ls it safe to combine probiotics?
Yes, you can combine probiotics. There are many different strains of probioticsso it may be necessary to take one fordigestive health and one for vaginalhealth for example. lt may be a good idea to start with one type for a fewdaysbefore adding any additional strains of probiotics so that you will be able tooetter assess how you feel with theadditional probiotics
Physician's Choice vs Other Brands
Healthier than other products
Supports Digestive Health
Supports lmmune Function
Absorption rate 100%
water soluble